Wooroonook Lake- Victoria
A 27km trip down the road from our home town of Donald, in Country Victoria is the wonderful Wooroonook Lake. Drought has had a huge impact on businesses and the communities in general over the past years. Its a blessing to have a lake filled with water close by to the towns of Charlton, Donald […]
A Rant about Rubbish Dumping
Throughout our many travels within Australia, there is one thing that is quite apparent to us and boy does it infuriate us. That is people who think its acceptable to dump their rubbish. We have seen it ourselves, you pull up to a rest stop, free or low cost camp and there is rubbush strown throughout […]
The Unwritten Rules of Camping Etiquette
Australia is a remarkable country to explore, with many blind blowing places to visit and the laid back culture in the country. More and more people are nowaday’s looking to sell off their assets, ditch their 9-5 working life for something more stress free, relaxing and enjoyable. With more Aussies and visitors from overseas […]
How To Survive Camping in Hot Weather
Who loves camping adventures? We certainly do, however we have ditched the tent and we now have the pleasure of a camper trailer. Don’t worry the dream of owning a Caravan is on the one day list! It doesn’t matter where your planning to camp,it could be anywhere on your dream road trip in Australia, or even […]
Spring Creek Rest Area- Free Camp
The Spring Creek Rest Area believe it or not was our first free camping stay in Western Australia. We are new to the experience of free camping, having stayed at low cost camps or caravan parks mostly on our adventures. However these roadside free camps are ideal and we are keen to utilise more of […]
Ngumban Cliff Rest Area- Free Camp
Camping and doing the Lap of Australia is high on many people’s bucket lists now days. With many people travelling on the road and the rising costs in everyday expenses, everyone is trying to save a pretty penny or two by opting for free camping options. Free Camping is exactly that, for FREE. It doesn’t […]
Walkers Lake- Victoria
Walkers Lake, Victoria was just another dry lake bed in the Wimmera region. Since early 2016 the lake has transformed with a new boat ramp installed and the return of much-needed water from the Wimmera Mallee Pipeline. With water back in the lake, Walkers Lake has become a popular free campground for campers, with recreational […]