Product Review – Mangrove Magic All Natural Insect Potion

We love warm weather but unfortunately, the downside to it is the mozzies, midgies, flies and every other flying insect wants to linger around you. We have lost count the number of times we have woken up covered in itchy red welts whilst we have been on our camping adventures.  You can relate to this, cant you? 

We have used several Insect Repellants including Bushmans, Aeroguard, Off & The Locals, but nothing worked as well as the All Natural, Mangrove Magic Insect Potion. 

Our love for this product is strong, so we chose to do a full review of Mangrove Magic Insect Repellant for you. Please note, as a result of buying this product and using it during desperate times on our visit to Darwin, Northern Territory in 2019 we fell in love with it and have since have become a stockist of this product. 

On our first day in Darwin and staying at Hidden Valley Caravan Park we got attacked by Midgies. Now Midgies are not like Mosquitos. Mosquitos you can see and they generally land on you. Midgies are almost invisible, they are very fine and can look like a dark hair on your skin.

The following day we woke up and we were covered in red welts. These welts were itchy and days later they became pussy. This was an eye opening experience for us. We were always well prepared and packed the necessities to repel the bugs and to help stop the itch IF we did get bitten. Out of all the items we packed, there was nothing that worked as well and efficient as Mangrove Magic. 

Mangrove Magic Range


We share with you 5 reasons why you need to have Mangrove Magic Insect Potion in your life!

Smells Great!

When we smelt it & we know when others smell the entire Mangrove Magic range, they love it! The Sensitive range is very plain and doesn’t have much of a smell.The key ingredients in the Sensitive Range are Lavender, Geranium, and Palmrosa. The Tropical Strength range does have a fresh smell however it is not overbearing. The key ingredients are Lemongrass, Lemon Scented Tea Tree and Citronella. You will find this scent in the Tropical 250ML, Tropical 100ML, Soy Candle & Essential Oil.

Deet Free

More and More people are now being more conscious of what products they are using and applying directly to their bodies. Whilst we have always used other products in the past that contain DEET and not really worried about it. It wasn’t until our visit to Darwin and trying multiple different remedies for Midgie Bites that we found this is a game changer in the the lives of every day travellers. 


Mangrove Magic Tropical comes in a 100ML & 250ML Pump Bottle and with constant application, we suggest every 3 to 4 hours it will aid in repelling those nasty bugs! 

Mangrove Magic comes in a 100ML tub and is safe for babies 3 months and older, pregnant women, people with sensitive skin and eczema. We have used both the Tropical and Sensitive and found both to be equally effective. As we say to people, application is always the key to being not bitten!

We also love the Mangrove Magic, Magic Balm and we know a lot of our customers love it too! It simply works! Loaded with Essential Oils plus its easy to use and carry it makes this bite stick a winner! A product that actually helps stop the itch and make you feeling better in no time!

A little goes a long way!

Unlike most bug repellants that are sticky and smell awful, Mangrove Magic is certainly not that. The majority of bug repellents give us that sticky, I-just-doused-myself-in-chemicals feeling. However Mangrove Magic does not do this, as it’s a lotion, not a spray. The benefits of it being in a lotion form are for 2 key reasons, it contains beeswax & cocoa butter that creates a physical barrier for midgies and sandflies and the beeswax holds essential oils much longer than a spray repellant. Through using Mangrove Magic we found that a little goes a long way. The key is to keep rubbing it in, you will know if you have applied to do much as you will become greasy. 

Australian Made 

We love supporting Australian Owned & Made businesses. When we found out that this product was developed in Darwin with testing completed out in Kakadu National Park we knew it had to be a winner. If you have been in the “Tropics” of Australia, you will know how Hot & Humid it can get and you need a decent repellant that will protect you. Mangrove Magic most certainly does this! By buying Mangrove Magic from our business, you are supporting US! Buy Now – Click Here

Extra Tips for Usage 

These tips are our recommendations that we found worked well for us, feel free to try them for yourself. 

**With the Mangrove Magic Bite Balm, for effective use, where you are most itchy. Either take a cold shower or wet a cold face washer and put this over the  itchy area. The key is to get your body temperature down on this certain section of your body and then apply for the bite balm over it. We found that this worked 10 times better than applying to a hot and clammy body. 

Magic Balm – A MUST!

**Some feedback we have taken from others who have tried and tested the Mangrove Magic Tropical Essential oil is to mix water and few drops of the oil and use it as a spray solution. For us, we don’t know how effective this is as we have never tried this option. However it’s always an option you could try at home and we have confirmed that this method is suitable for animals. 

**When using the Mangrove Magic Soy Candle or Essential Oil not only is it a fantastic non-toxic alternative to mozzie coils, but you do need to pay attention to the direction the wind is going when in use outside. Ensure you place it in a direction that will blow close to you. If it moves in the opposite direction to you, it won’t be as useful. The tin candle burns up to over 40 hours. 


Overall Verdict 

We love this product and we don’t deny it, there is very little negatives from us. We prefer the tub size rather than the pump size as its easier to remove all the product. The Tropical Essential is very strong and don’t over do the drops, I had used 5 drops and it was way too strong!

If you haven’t tried it, you really must. Its an incredible Australian Made Product!






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